After Shutter Finance

be Wealthy for Life not Rich for a Moment.

Helping Models, Actors & Agencies Everyday

Our Mentor Network Will Meet With You To Show You How To Elevate Your Finances

Your Career Can Be Seen As Growing The Seedless Fruit

It Provides Until Consumed…

pear no seed
pear with seed

…It’s Time To Cultivate The Seeds.

Growth is Financial Freedom.

Don’t Put It Off

Let’s Plan Your Future

  • Model Money: Slavica Ecclestone

    Model Money: Slavica Ecclestone

    Cute Face, Little Waste & a Big Bank From Model to Billionaire: The Inspiring Journey of Slavica Ecclestone, the Woman Who Outshone Kim Kardashian, captivated the Formula One scene for years, and now leads initiatives that make money, reduce waste, make an impact and empower others. Slavica Ecclestone is a true rags-to-riches success story, whose…

  • 5 Money Mistakes Of Models/Actors

    5 Money Mistakes Of Models/Actors

    Models and actors often face unique financial challenges in their careers. Staying rich and building legacy wealth is challenging with fluctuating income and a short-lived peak earning period. Without proper financial planning, these challenges can quickly turn into costly mistakes that affect their financial security in the long term. In this post, we will discuss…

Reinforcing Comments


Financial freedom is empowering. I think itโ€™s important to educate yourself about finance and understand how to manage your money.

โ€” Miranda Kerr


Money canโ€™t buy happiness, but it can buy security and peace of mind. Thatโ€™s why financial planning is so important.

โ€” Cindy Crawford


Donโ€™t be afraid to ask for help when it comes to managing your finances. There are experts out there who can help you make smart decisions and achieve your financial goals.

โ€” Kate Upton